"Roma" is a critically acclaimed 2018 Mexican drama film directed by Alfonso Cuarón. Set in the early 1970s, the film follows the life of Cleo, a young indigenous woman working as a live-in domestic worker for a middle-class family in the Roma neighborhood of Mexico City. The story is partially based on Cuarón's own upbringing.

The film primarily focuses on Cleo's experiences and relationships within the household, particularly with Sofia, the mother of the family, and her four young children. Cleo becomes a central figure in the family, caring for the children, maintaining the household, and dealing with the various challenges that arise.

Amidst Cleo's personal journey, the film also portrays the social and political climate of Mexico at the time. It touches upon the turbulent backdrop of the early 1970s, including the Corpus Christi massacre and the student protests. These events have a profound impact on Cleo and the family she works for, highlighting the intersection between personal lives and larger historical events.

Throughout the film, Cleo faces personal hardships, including an unexpected pregnancy and the absence of the child's father. The family rallies around her during these difficult times, showcasing the complexities of their relationship and the bonds that form within the household.

"Roma" is known for its meticulous attention to detail and cinematographic beauty. Shot in black and white, the film captures the nuances of everyday life while delving into deeper themes of class, race, and the human experience. It offers a poignant portrayal of Cleo's journey and the social dynamics of Mexico City during a transformative period in the country's history.


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