"Palm Springs" is a romantic comedy film directed by Max Barbakow. It follows the story of Nyles (played by Andy Samberg) and Sarah (played by Cristin Milioti), who find themselves trapped in a time loop, reliving the same day over and over again at a wedding in Palm Springs. As they navigate the endless cycle of events, they form a unique bond and discover the importance of living in the present moment.


Andy Samberg as Nyles: Nyles is a carefree man who has been stuck in the time loop for an unknown amount of time. He initially seems content with the repetitive nature of his existence but eventually finds purpose in helping Sarah break free from the loop.

Cristin Milioti as Sarah: Sarah is the sister of the bride and gets trapped in the time loop after encountering Nyles. Initially skeptical and frustrated, she eventually embraces the situation and develops a relationship with Nyles while attempting to find a way out.

J.K. Simmons as Roy: Roy is another character stuck in the time loop who occasionally appears to cause trouble for Nyles. As the story progresses, his role becomes crucial in unraveling the mystery behind the time loop and finding a resolution.

Peter Gallagher as Howard: Howard is the father of the bride and plays a significant role in the events of the wedding. His interactions with Nyles and Sarah have a lasting impact on their journey within the time loop.

Meredith Hagner as Misty: Misty is a bridesmaid and the girlfriend of Sarah's ex-boyfriend. She adds comedic moments to the film and becomes entangled in the complicated web of relationships within the time loop.

Camila Mendes as Tala: Tala is a guest at the wedding and one of the few characters who seems aware of the time loop. Her appearance sparks curiosity and offers hints to Nyles and Sarah about a potential way out.

Tyler Hoechlin as Abe: Abe is Misty's boyfriend and a friend of Nyles. He is oblivious to the time loop but provides some humorous moments and contributes to the overall dynamics of the story.

"Palm Springs" presents a unique twist on the time loop concept, blending humor, romance, and philosophical musings to create an entertaining and thought-provoking film.


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