"Money Heist," also known as "La Casa de Papel," is a Spanish television series created by Álex Pina. Season 3 of the show follows the story of the Professor (Sergio Marquina) and his crew as they plan and execute another heist, this time targeting the Bank of Spain. Here is a detailed and forensic summary of "Money Heist" Season 3:
Episode 1: We're Back
The Professor reunites with the surviving members of his crew, who are living under new identities. Nairobi is injured and recovering from the events of the previous heist. The Professor proposes a new plan to rob the Bank of Spain and asks for their help. Tokyo, Rio, Denver, Helsinki, and Moscow agree to join.
Episode 2: Aikido
The Professor introduces the crew to a new member, Palermo, who will be their inside man at the Bank of Spain. The crew starts their preparations and trains for the heist. Meanwhile, a new police negotiator, Alicia Sierra, takes charge of the situation and tries to uncover the Professor's identity.
Episode 3: 48 Meters Underground
The crew begins the heist by digging a tunnel from a small island to the Bank of Spain's vault. They face challenges underground and encounter several close calls, including an encounter with a security guard. Nairobi's leadership skills and expertise are put to the test.
Episode 4: Boom, Boom, Ciao
The crew continues to work underground, facing various obstacles. Inside the bank, they take hostages, including the Governor of the Bank of Spain. A pregnant hostage named Mónica, who turns out to be Arturo's ex-wife, becomes a significant liability. Nairobi is shot by a sniper, and her life hangs in the balance.
Episode 5: The Red Boxes
The Professor discovers that Raquel, who has been posing as Lisbon, is alive and being held by the police. He initiates a plan to rescue her, forcing the police to believe that she has committed suicide. Meanwhile, tensions rise among the hostages, and Arturo's behavior becomes increasingly erratic.
Episode 6: Everything Seemed Insignificant
The crew faces challenges both inside and outside the bank. Tokyo becomes romantically involved with Rio again, causing tensions among the group. Meanwhile, Alicia Sierra begins to suspect that Raquel is still alive and conducts her investigation.
Episode 7: A Quick Vacation
The crew devises a plan to escape from the bank by using a tunnel dug beneath the bank's gold reserves. Helsinki is injured during an encounter with security guards. Meanwhile, Alicia Sierra closes in on the Professor's hideout.
Episode 8: Astray
The crew successfully escapes from the bank and reunites with the Professor. However, their victory is short-lived when Alicia Sierra captures Rio and tortures him for information. The crew decides to surrender in exchange for Rio's release but has a hidden plan to rescue him.
Episode 9: Game Over
Alicia Sierra discovers the Professor's hideout and confronts him. She goes into labor and uses the opportunity to escape with the help of the crew. Nairobi dies from her gunshot wound. The crew realizes that the situation has changed, and they need to adapt their plan.
Episode 10: Berlin's Wedding
The crew mourns the loss of Nairobi and restructures their plan. They stage a mock wedding to distract the police and buy themselves more time. Sierra continues to hunt for the Professor.
Episode 11: Anatomy Lesson
The crew works on the new plan, known as "Operation Chronos." They use a crane to transport the gold from the bank to a hidden
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