"Leave No Trace" is a thought-provoking drama film directed by Debra Granik and released in 2018. The story follows a father and daughter who live off the grid in the forests of Oregon and their journey when their way of life is disrupted.

The film centers around Will (played by Ben Foster), a war veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and his teenage daughter Tom (played by Thomasin McKenzie). They have been living in isolation in a public park, surviving by foraging for food and sheltering in a makeshift camp. They maintain a harmonious and self-sufficient lifestyle, deeply connected to nature.

One day, their peaceful existence is interrupted when they are discovered by the authorities. The park rangers find them and bring them into the care of social services. Will and Tom are forced to adapt to a conventional life in a house, provided by the government, and undergo various assessments and counseling sessions.

However, Will struggles to adjust to their new surroundings and the constraints of a conventional lifestyle. He feels trapped and longs to return to the wilderness. On the other hand, Tom begins to develop relationships and a sense of belonging within the community, attending school and participating in activities.

As their contrasting desires become apparent, tensions rise between Will and Tom. Will's longing for solitude and freedom clashes with Tom's desire for stability and human connection. Recognizing the strain on their relationship, Will makes a difficult decision to leave, believing it is what is best for both of them.

Will retreats back into the wilderness, leaving Tom behind with a foster family. However, Tom's deep love for her father drives her to search for him. She embarks on a challenging journey to find Will, enduring physical hardships and relying on her survival skills.

Ultimately, Tom locates her father, who is living in a secluded forest community of like-minded individuals. They share a bittersweet reunion but also acknowledge their different paths in life. Tom realizes that she cannot fully embrace her father's nomadic lifestyle and makes the difficult choice to return to the foster family and the life she has started to build.

The film concludes with Tom leaving a letter for her father, expressing her love and gratitude for the time they spent together. She embraces her new life, appreciating the connections she has formed and the sense of belonging she has found within the community.

"Leave No Trace" is a poignant exploration of the bond between a father and daughter, the desire for freedom, and the challenges of fitting into society. It raises questions about societal norms, personal autonomy, and the impact of trauma on individuals.


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