"Money Heist," also known as "La Casa de Papel," is a Spanish television series created by Álex Pina. The first season, consisting of thirteen episodes, introduces viewers to a group of eight criminals who come together under the guidance of their enigmatic leader known as "The Professor." Here is a complete and detailed summary of Season 1:

Episode 1: The series begins with the Professor recruiting eight criminals with unique skills, giving them code names based on cities. Tokyo, the show's narrator, introduces herself and recounts the events leading up to the heist. The gang members gather at a hidden location called the Royal Mint of Spain, where they prepare to carry out the most ambitious heist in history.

Episode 2: The heist begins as the gang takes control of the Mint. The robbers, dressed in red jumpsuits and wearing a mask of Salvador Dalí, take 67 hostages. The Professor instructs them to follow a set of rules and assigns them roles. Negotiations with the police, led by Inspector Raquel Murillo, begin.

Episode 3: As tensions rise inside the Mint, Tokyo's impulsive actions put the gang's plan at risk. Berlin, the gang's second-in-command, takes control and tries to maintain order. Flashbacks reveal Berlin's troubled past and his connection to the Professor.

Episode 4: The police discover that one of the hostages, a pregnant woman named Monica, is secretly in a relationship with one of the robbers, Denver. The revelation creates tension among the hostages, leading to a suicide attempt. The Professor intervenes and convinces Raquel to allow a doctor inside the Mint to treat Monica.

Episode 5: Relationships among the hostages begin to form, and Stockholm, one of the hostages, develops a romantic connection with Denver. The Professor reveals his knowledge of Raquel's personal life, making her suspicious of his true identity. Meanwhile, Tokyo struggles with her feelings for Rio, another member of the gang.

Episode 6: The heist faces its first major setback when Moscow, one of the robbers, suffers a heart attack. The Professor insists on continuing the plan and instructs Helsinki and Denver to perform emergency surgery. Raquel discovers a hidden escape tunnel but fails to capture any of the gang members.

Episode 7: The police step up their efforts to end the hostage situation and surround the Mint. Meanwhile, Berlin's violent behavior creates tension within the gang. Flashbacks reveal the origin of the Professor's plan and his motivations for executing the heist.

Episode 8: Raquel's investigation uncovers a crucial piece of evidence that leads her to suspect one of the hostages, Arturo, of being an insider. The robbers make their first demand to the police, requesting a bus to transport the hostages. The Professor and Berlin clash over the handling of the situation.

Episode 9: Raquel confronts Arturo, who confesses to helping the gang. She secretly records their conversation and shares it with the police. The robbers use the chaos of the bus escape to disguise the fact that they are digging a tunnel underground. Berlin reveals a shocking secret to the rest of the gang.

Episode 10: The police identify Berlin as the mastermind behind the heist and intensify their efforts to capture him. Raquel learns about the tunnel but is too late to stop the gang from escaping. The Professor reveals his true identity to Raquel and tries to convince her to join him.

Episode 11: The gang faces internal conflicts as the police close in on their hideout. The hostages begin to doubt the robbers' intentions, leading to a failed escape attempt. Raquel decides to trust the Professor and helps him and the gang evade capture.


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